28 september 2019
Statement 20
Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
President & CEO Stena Bulk, Erik Hånell +46 704 85 50 02
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk: “We are delighted to report that this afternoon the Stena Impero safely docked in Dubai.”
“We met with all the crew and I am pleased to confirm they are in good spirits and looking forward to a well-deserved extended leave ashore.”
“The sole concern and focus of Stena Bulk & Northern Marine Management throughout this worrying period has been for the safety of the crew and their timely release. Our support for them and their families will continue for as long as is required.”
“Considering the circumstances of the past 10 weeks, the vessel is in good condition, which is testament to the professionalism of the Master and his crew who attended to their duties throughout.”
“The vessel, with a new crew on board, will have a period of time in Dubai, where checks will be made before she re-enters service.”
“Again my sincere thanks to all those who helped us secure the release of the vessel and to the crew and their families. I salute their fortitude and resilience.”
27 september 2019
Statement 19
Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
President & CEO Stena Bulk, Erik Hånell +46 704 85 50 02
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk:
“The Stena Impero has now left Iranian waters and is on route to Dubai.”
“The Master has reported that all crew members are safe and in high spirits following release”.
“Upon arrival, the crew will receive medical checks and de-briefing by the Company, following which arrangements have been made for them to return directly to their families in their respective countries.”
“Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management would like to take this opportunity to praise the crew for their professionalism in the handling of this difficult and stressful situation. Also, to their families who maintained a caring and supportive role throughout. The importance of their support cannot be over stated”.
“The crew will have a period of time to be with their families following 10 weeks of detainment on the vessel. Full support will be offered to the crew and families in the coming weeks to assist with their recovery.”
“We also wish to take this opportunity to thank all authorities who have assisted over the past 10 weeks in securing the release of the vessel. In particular we would like to recognise the efforts of the Swedish Foreign Ministry throughout this incident and also the support from various UK Government departments, coordinated by the Department for Transport’s maritime division”.
“In addition we are grateful for the Consular visits on board from the embassies of India, Russia, Latvia and the Philippines.”
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management will not release the names of the crew members. We ask that you respect their privacy at this time.
27 September 2019 0800 UTC
Statement 18
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
President & CEO Stena Bulk, Erik Hånell +46 704 85 50 02
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk: “Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management confirm the Stena Impero and its crew have been released.
“The vessel has left the port of Bandar Abbas and is transiting to Dubai for the crew to disembark and receive medical checks and de-briefing.
“The families of crew members have been informed and the Company is currently making arrangements for the repatriation of its valued seafarers at the earliest possible opportunity.”
Further information to follow.
24th Sept 2019, 1400 UTC
Statement 17
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
President & CEO Stena Bulk, Erik Hånell +46 704 85 50 02
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk:
“Despite public statements by Iranian authorities over the past three days that judicial proceedings have concluded, and the Stena Impero is free to leave Iran, the vessel remains detained at anchor in Bandar Abbas.
“We continue to work hard to secure the release of the crew and vessel. Upon release of the vessel we will release a further statement.
5th September 2019.
Statement 16
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
President & CEO Stena Bulk, Erik Hånell +46 704 85 50 02
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk said: “Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management can confirm that seven crew members of the Stena Impero have been released and are now travelling to a safe location where they will be reunited with their families. They will receive medical checks and a debriefing before being repatriated to their home countries at the earliest opportunity.
“We will offer them and their families whatever support they need to ensure they can recover fully.”
“We continue to work tirelessly to obtain the release of the remaining crew onboard the Stena Impero and will continue to provide all possible support to their families during this difficult time.”
“As we have stated previously; from the information we have, there is no current evidence the Stena Impero breached any maritime rules or regulations, and we stand behind the professionalism and conduct of the vessel’s crew.”
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management will not release the names of any crew members to protect the privacy of the families involved. Please respect our position on this matter.
Goteborg, 4th Sept 2019
Statement 15
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
President & CEO Stena Bulk, Erik Hånell +46 704 85 50 02
We understand that our long-standing request to remove non-essential personnel from Stena Impero is now being acted upon by the Iranian Government and that arrangements are underway for the release of seven crewmembers from the vessel.
While we welcome this positive development, we have not received confirmation of a release date directly from the Iranian authorities.
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk said: We are very pleased that for 7 crewmembers their ordeal may soon be over, and they may return to their families, however we cautiously await official confirmation of their release date.
“We view this communication as a positive step on the way to the release of all the remaining crew, which has always been our primary concern and focus.
16 crewmembers will remain on board satisfying the vessel’s Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (MSMC). Minimum Safe Manning Certificate is issued by the Flag State, which sets the minimum number (and ranks) of crewmembers required onboard to safely operate the vessel.
Goteborg August 21, 2019
Statement 14
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
President & CEO Stena Bulk, Erik Hånell +46 704 85 50 02
Stena Bulk CEO meets Iran’s Foreign Minister
On August 20, Erik Hanell, CEO of Stena Bulk met with the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif in Stockholm and was able to promote the case for the release of the tanker Stena Impero and her crew held in Bandar Abbas since July 19.
Minister Zarif was in Sweden for bilateral talks with the Swedish Foreign Minister and officials on regional and international issues, including security of the Persian Gulf.
Erik Hanell states that “A constructive dialogue was had and we shared information around the case. It was important for us to emphasize the importance of the release of the 23 crew members of Indian, Russian, Latvian and Filipino nationalities, who have now been held on board for nearly five weeks and whose families were getting extremely concerned about their loved ones. Also for the release of the Swedish owned vessel Stena Impero.
Erik Hanell thanked the Foreign Minister for allowing access to the vessel to Embassy Officials of those being detained and for facilitating calls from the crew on-board to their families at home.
Stena Bulk has written to all the leaders of the countries who have crew members detained on board Stena Impero seeking support for their release.
Statement 13
STENA IMPERO – CEO appeals directly to the Leaders of India, Russia, Latvia & the Philippines
Gothenburg. August 14, 2019
Stena Bulk's President and CEO, Erik Hanell, has made a direct appeal to the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, seeking help and assistance with the release of 18 Indian seafarers detained by the Iranian Authorities on board the Swedish owned vessel Stena Impero, for over three weeks.
He has also made similar appeals to the leaders and Foreign Affairs Ministers of Russia, Latvia and the Philippines with the aim to resolve this situation.
Held on the vessel since July 19, Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management believe the pressures are growing on both crew and their families and that their immediate release is essential for their well-being.
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
Statement 12
The continued detainment of the Stena Impero and its crew by the Iranian authorities has now reached 19 days and remains unacceptable and unjustifiable.
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk said: “We are maintaining limited communication with the crew onboard and although they remain in good health considering the circumstances, we continue to be concerned about their welfare given the amount of time they have been in confinement.
“Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management continue to work with all appropriate authorities, including UK and other national governments, to secure the release of the crew. This has included face to face meetings with senior government representation. We are confident this matter is being given the high priority level it warrants, and we will do everything possible to ensure the Stena Impero remains at the forefront of their agendas.
“On behalf of Latvian authorities, a Finnish consulate visit to the Latvian crewmember onboard the vessel took place on Saturday 3rd August. The Finnish representative advised that the crew were in good health, however the duration of their confinement remains of considerable concern to the crew. We welcome all support to the crew from national embassies.
“Our daily contact and support to the crew members’ families continues. We want to emphasise the difficult circumstances they are enduring as a result of this ongoing situation.”
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management have yet to receive an official answer from the Iranian authorities regarding our request to attend the vessel.
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-30, 1430BST
As the detention of the Stena Impero and its crew enters its 12th day, Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management have a growing concern for the welfare of the crew who are confined to the vessel.
Erik Hanell, President and Chief Executive, Stena Bulk said: “With little progress being made since the vessel was seized on 19th July, we urge governments involved to find a swift resolution so our 23 valued seafarers can return to their families and move on from this ordeal.
“We reiterate that there is no evidence of a collision involving the Stena Impero, and at the time of the seizure the vessel was well within the inbound traffic separation scheme and out-with Iranian territorial waters.
“All required navigational equipment, including transponders, was fully functioning, in compliance with maritime regulations.”
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-29, 22,30 BST
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management continue to work closely with the authorities to secure the release of the Stena Impero and its 23 crew members. The vessel remains at anchor in Bandar Abbas.
We are concerned about the potential impact a prolonged period of uncertainty will have on the welfare of both crew and their families. Our colleagues on the Stena Impero were carrying out their profession as merchant seafarers and do not deserve to be in this position.
As previously stated, from the information we have, there is no current evidence the ship has breached any maritime rules or regulations, and we stand behind the professionalism and conduct of the crew of the Stena Impero.
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-28, 17,30
STATEMENT 9 – Stena Impero
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management continue to work closely with the authorities to secure the release of the Stena Impero and its 23 crew members. The vessel remains at anchor in Bandar Abbas.
The crew members remain in good health and continue to have limited contact with family members, who we continue to support during this difficult time.
Following a letter from Iranian authorities to the United Nations Security Council outlining alleged violations of international rules and regulations, including an unconfirmed collision, Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management consider it imperative we are granted access to the vessel to conduct a full assessment. We continue to await a response from Iranian authorities to our request.
As previously stated, from the information we have, there is no current evidence the ship has breached any maritime rules or regulations, and we stand behind the professionalism and conduct of the crew of the Stena Impero.
We hope this situation can be resolved swiftly and will continue to hold an open dialogue with all involved governments and authorities to secure the release of the crew and vessel.
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-27, 17,00 BST
STATEMENT 8 – Stena Impero
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management continue to work closely with the authorities to secure the release of the Stena Impero and its 23 crew members.
India, Russia and Philippines Embassy officials have attended the Stena Impero and have met with crew members from their respective countries. Feedback from the officials is that the crew are in good health and they appreciated the interaction with their government representatives. The crew members continue to have limited contact with family members, who we continue to support during this difficult time.
We hope this situation can be resolved swiftly and we will continue to hold an open dialogue with all involved governments and authorities to secure the release of the crew and vessel.
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-25, 16:30
STATEMENT 7 – Stena Impero
Erik Hanell, CEO and President, Stena Bulk: “Contact continues between the crew of the Stena Impero and the Company, and all those on board are reported to be safe and well under the circumstances.
Crew members have been able to talk directly to their families for a limited time. We continue to provide support to the crew members’ families and are keeping them informed of any developments.
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management continue to hold dialogue with all the governments and authorities directly involved in order to secure the release of crew and vessel. We await a decision from the local authorities on our request to attend the vessel.
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management wish to confirm there is no evidence of a collision involving the Stena Impero, and at the time of the seizure the vessel was well within the inbound traffic separation scheme and out-with Iranian territorial waters.
All required navigational equipment, including transponders, was fully functioning, in compliance with maritime regulations.
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-24, 0736 BST
STATEMENT 6 – Stena Impero
Stena Bulk can confirm that we have had direct communication with the crew of the Stena Impero since late yesterday.
The Master advised that everyone was safe with good cooperation with the Iranian personnel onboard.
Family members are being updated on the latest developments and will continue to receive our full support.
We will continue to provide updates as the situation develops.
Erik Hanell, President and CEO, Stena Bulk: “We do of course appreciate this step of development and that this is a first sign that we will soon see more positive progress from the Iranian authorities.”
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-23, 1600BST
STATEMENT 5 – Stena Impero
Stena Bulk awaits a decision to the formal request to the Iranian Authorities for permission to visit the Stena Impero and verify the safety and well-being of our 23 much valued crew members held since July 19.
We continue to focus our efforts on supporting the families of those affected in India, Russia, Latvia and the Philippines and will continue to offer full support until all 23 crew members are released and safely back with their families.
Stena Bulk and managers, Northern Marine Management, would like to emphasise that all necessary notifications to relevant authorities and organisations were made for the Stena Impero’s transit of the Strait of Hormuz, which was carried out in full compliance with all international maritime regulations.
At the time of the seizure, the vessel was within the inbound traffic separation scheme and out-with Iranian territorial waters with all required navigational equipment, including transponders, fully functioning, in compliance with maritime regulations.
We can confirm that we are not aware of, and nor is there any evidence of a collision involving the Stena Impero.
Contact: Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-21 15:20
STATEMENT 4 – Stena Impero
President and Chief Executive of Stena Bulk, Erik Hanell, said: “I can confirm a formal request for permission to visit the 23 crew members of the Stena Impero has been made to the authorities at the Port of Bandar Abbas.
“The request has been acknowledged, but we await a formal response. In the meantime, we will continue to co-operate and liaise with all appropriate authorities.
Mr Hanell added: “All of Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management’s efforts and focus continue to be on the welfare and safe return of our crew and supporting their families during this very difficult time.
“Our local staff in India, Latvia, Philippines, Russia are in constant touch with the families and we will continue to do everything humanly possible to keep them informed and to support them in every way we can.”
Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-20 16:40
Following reports received by its local representatives in the region, Stena Bulk releases the following statement regarding the Stena Impero and its crew.
“Our insurers in the region have been in contact with the Head of Marine Affairs at the Port of Bandar Abbas, who has reported that the crew members of our vessel Stena Impero are in ‘good health’ and that the tanker is at the nearby Bandar Bahonar anchorage.
“The Head of Marine Affairs has asked a formal request be made for a visit to be arranged to the crew members and vessel. We can confirm this formal request is being prepared forthwith.
“Our insurers have also advised that the Head of Marine Affairs has confirmed to them that no instructions have been received so far as to what will happen to the ship.”
Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-19 23:45 BST
Further to our earlier statement (1840BST), Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management can confirm that Swedish-owned vessel Stena Impero (built 2018, 49,683 DWT) is no longer under the control of the crew and remains uncontactable.
Soon after the vessel was approached by unidentified small naval craft and a helicopter during her transit of the Strait of Hormuz in international waters at approximate 1600 hrs BST today, the vessel suddenly deviated from her passage to Jubail and headed north towards Iran.
The vessel was in full compliance with all navigation and international regulations. The vessel is commercially managed by Stena Bulk of Sweden
Erik Hanell, President and Chief Executive, Stena Bulk, said: “There are 23 seafarers onboard of Indian, Russian, Latvian and Filipino nationality. There have been no reported injuries and the safety and welfare of our crew remains our primary focus. We are in close contact with both the UK and Swedish government authorities to resolve this situation and we are liaising closely with our seafarers’ families.”
Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947
2019-07-19 - 19.55
Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management can confirm that at approximately 1600 BST on 19th July UK registered vessel Stena Impero (built 2018, 49,683 DWT) was approached by unidentified small crafts and a helicopter during transit of the Strait of Hormuz while the vessel was in international waters. We are presently unable to contact the vessel which is now heading north towards Iran.
There are 23 seafarers aboard. There have been no reported injuries and their safety is of primary concern to both owners and managers. The priority of both vessel owner Stena Bulk and ship manager Northern Marine Management is the safety and welfare of the crew.
Northern Marine Management has not been able to establish contact directly with the vessel since it was notified of the incident at approximately 1600 Today, 19th July 2019.
We are in close contact with UK government authorities.
Will Marks +44 7526 548 910
Pat Adamson +44 7836 766 947